VR Porn Could Destroy Our Sexuality

Digital porn shaped our reality. Whether we like it or not, it is not just a millionaire industry, but a product whose consumption has had all kinds of consequences; among others, unleashing addictions as powerful as any drug.

Woman wearing VR googles.

Now, VR porn has created much more intimate and immersive experiences, which could easily generate greater dependencies.

But some say that 3D porn is making this product something more empathetic and, therefore, human: not a voyeuristic situation. But one of direct participation, where the other is not reified.

As 3DPornReviews site administrator Doug McCort said in an interview with Peter Rubin: “People are responding to what is a sort of antithesis of traditional porn.

That is, the idea of being able to interact, perceive and feel the other in intimacy, which could lead porn to evolve for the better.

Rubin, author of Future Presence, collected other interesting approaches to VR porn.

One story included in his book is that of “Scott,” a married man who didn’t used to watch porn. But at Christmas he received a gift of VR glasses, and sooner rather than later he discovered the new 3D trend of porn. And he got hooked:

He couldn’t believe the level of immersion this provided.

VR Porn Could Destroy Our Sexuality
Couple Kissing.

But Scott didn’t become an addict. In fact, the experience served to improve his intimacy with his wife, with whom he enjoyed sexuality as it was with her: with the person who loves him, and not with a simulation.

However, when Scott told her about VR porn, she told him it was an “adultery simulator”.

And maybe she was right: the line between fantasy (especially 3D fantasy) and reality is very thin, and the unconscious can play tricks on us.

So Scott gave up VR porn because he thought he might be rewinding his brain and preferred to stop at the unknown forces this experience could unleash.

But many people are not capable of doing the same as Scott, and more because – and Freud would agree with us – we are in a time of serious sexual disorders, some caused by pornography and its excessive consumption.

Incited by the sex industry, which has taken every bit of humanity away from sexuality and filled us with trauma, sexual disorders have intensified, ranging from erectile dysfunction to serious sexual aversions.

And despite the gravity of such conditions, the truth is that these disorders have not been sufficiently studied or treated by any field of medicine.

So dealing with sexuality, and moreover, its industry, is still very delicate.

Pros and cons of VR porn

VR Porn Could Destroy Our Sexuality
Woman Closing her Eyes.

For all of the above, it is worth reflecting on the possibilities of VR porn.

It could well be a catalyst for healthy relationships: a way to experiment and stimulate us, to reinvent relationships and let them stop being closed in harmful terms.

Used in moderation, VR porn could be a fantasy resource as valid as meddling in a reading, and could improve our relationships in many ways.

But if the sex industry doesn’t change, VR porn is unlikely to help us evolve. Rather, it could cause more addictions and, therefore, increase the number of people affected by sexual disorders, since the experience it generates could well supplant any human contact.

The correlate of this would undoubtedly be an increasingly isolated life and a sharp coldness among individuals.

3D porn could be the antechamber of increasingly mechanized affective relationships, even more than they already are.

So we must not stop being critical of porn: whether or not we are users, whether traditional or 3D, it is a product that we cannot consume as if nothing had happened.

What do you think?

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