How To Choose The Best Web Hosting For Your Online Business (Part I)

How to choose the best web hosting for your online business? This is a question we often ask ourselves when we want to launch a website. How To Choose The Best Web Hosting For Your Online Business (Part I)

  1. What is a web hosting?
  2. Types of hosting
  3. Keys to choosing a quality web hosting
  4. Conclusion

The moment we start to develop a project, we do it with the mission to make it grow and become something bigger.

How To Choose The Best Web Hosting For Your Online Business (Part I)
Woman Standing While Carrying Laptop.

Choosing from the beginning a good professional web hosting is essential to grow and get good results.

On many occasions we decide to choose web hosting that is cheap and we let ourselves be carried away by offers that we find on the Internet without taking into account many aspects that will later bring us problems.

Of all these aspects that we can consider essential at the time of creating our web page, one of the main ones and for which we must begin is the lodging web or web hosting.

We will tell you how to choose a good hosting for your website.

1. What is a Web Hosting?

A web hosting is a space on a server connected to the Internet where a web page is hosted so that it is public and accessible to everyone.

Although there are multiple types of web hosting, let’s talk about four main types:

  • Free web hosting
  • Shared web hosting
  • Private Web Hosting (VPS)
  • Dedicated web server

We will explain the keys to choosing the right web hosting that suits the needs of our business:

2. Types of Hosting

Free web hosting

How To Choose The Best Web Hosting For Your Online Business (Part I)
Server Rack.

There are several types of web hosting that are free that offer us through various channels, as a hook to start developing an online business.

But, if our goal is to go far with a minimum of professionalism, we have to bet on a good paid web hosting for the many advantages it will bring us over a free one.

For all these reasons, we do not recommend trusting your web project in a free hosting since it will be very limited in terms of functions and may not be able to give us all the services we need.

Shared web hosting

This type of hosting allows us to have a paid server, but quite cheap, shared with other users. It is recommended for blogs and small businesses that do not have a large traffic.

However, as a negative point, we can say that we can be penalized by the actions of other websites that are not ours, but with which we are sharing server.

That is to say, if for example, those other webs do a lot of low quality email marketing, it is very possible that when we send an email we will end up in the recipient’s spam or unwanted mail box, and we will not obtain good results in our campaigns precisely because of that.

Private Web Hosting (VPS)

How To Choose The Best Web Hosting For Your Online Business (Part I)
Woman Holding Laptop Beside Glass Wall.

You may have heard of this type as VPS (Virtual Private Server). It is a hosting for our business that offers us the power, processor, memory and resources of a computer specifically or exclusively for our project.

Dedicated Web Server

This is a web hosting service in which you will have an exclusive physical server for you.

It is often used for very large websites with very high traffic, of the order hundreds of thousands of pages viewed per month.

This type of server is more expensive than the previous ones and also requires that you have advanced knowledge of server administration to be able to manage it properly.

3. Keys to choosing a quality web hosting

Once you know the options available to you, you must choose the one that fits your business needs.

In order to do this, we are going to give you several keys that you must take into account so as not to fail when choosing a web hosting that fits the needs of your online business:

Technical Team

It is essential that the server you hire has a good technical team, which is fast and efficient.

This is essential in order to be able to solve any problem you may have quickly.

The attention channels of the technical team can be diverse: telephone, email, support tickets, social media or even online chat in some cases.

Depending on your preferences it is important to have several options to have direct contact with the technical team.

Commercial Team

How To Choose The Best Web Hosting For Your Online Business (Part I)
Bandwidth Close Up Computer Connection

The possibility of having someone to advise you according to your needs will help you choose the best option depending on when your business is.


Make sure you have quality security measures in place, as this is important to prevent malware and external attacks on your website.

If you are thinking that just by installing a security plugin in WordPress and another to be able to make backups you have everything under control, you are very wrong.

Your website will be available to everyone and not everyone has good intentions.

Continue reading at: How To Choose The Best Web Hosting For Your Online Business (Part II)