How To Find A Job During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 epidemic has forced many companies to close down, stop operations or lay off employees. If this is your case, you should read this information. Lets see How To Find A Job During The COVID-19 Pandemic?

The health contingency due to the coronavirus has impacted the world in all senses, but without a doubt the most affected area is the economic and working world.

According to the International Labor Organization, it is estimated that unemployment affects up to 35 million people worldwide.

There is great uncertainty in the world about the economic and employment impact but we want you to stay positive and be proactive in your job search at this time.

How To Find A Job During The COVID-19 Pandemic

1. Networking

How To Find A Job During The COVID-19 Pandemic

We all understand that the situation is difficult and many people are willing to help, so lose your grief and break through the barrier to ask for help.

Let your friends, acquaintances, former colleagues and family know that you are looking for a job.

Ask your contacts if they know of any positions that might interest you or discuss what kind of job you are looking for.

2. Practice your interviews

Practice makes perfect. This is a good time for you to practice and rehearse a job interview: possible questions, reviewing your information and learning it, etc.

Remember that many companies still recruit remotely and many recruiters still interview from home, so if you are interviewed during this contingency, you will be prepared!

3. Vacancies for the contingency

As you know, many companies are hiring temporarily or permanently due to this contingency.

Vacancies for delivery men, messengers, assistants, salesmen, among others, are increasing and you can work temporarily in one of these jobs.

It is a great opportunity to acquire new skills that are in demand.

4. Identify and target vacancies

When looking for a job, give priority to recently published vacancies. Most likely, those posted in the last 2 or 3 weeks are from companies that are still hiring and need help.

You know that you should only apply to those who meet all the requirements.

However, you should be realistic and consider whether you can really learn and contribute to the position.

Remember that if you meet one of the important requirements but can’t do it 100%, you can still apply and show why you deserve it.

5. Keep studying and preparing!

In addition to keeping up with the news and situation with the pandemic, you must keep up with your professional environment and continue to prepare yourself.

There are now many free online courses, updates and tutorials to take advantage of!

You may not be able to complete a master’s or diploma course, but it always makes a good impression to tell the recruiter that you have been studying or upgrading during this quarantine period. It makes you look proactive!

6. Keep on searching

How To Find A Job During The COVID-19 Pandemic

During this period many companies are adapting to the situation. Therefore, it is important that you do not stop searching, as a job opportunity may arise at any time.

As we have already mentioned, although there are fewer job offers in some sectors, in others they have increased so it can be a good opportunity to do your bit, as in many cases all help is needed and you will be able to gain experience in other areas.

You must anticipate the moment when this situation returns to calm.

When companies have the foresight to reactivate themselves they may need more personnel than they already had to put everything in order.

It is very possible that they will start preparing selection campaigns sooner than you imagine.

7. Take time to think about what you want to become

What skills do you want to develop? What kind of professional do you want to be? These are two questions you should ask yourself at this stage.

You may have never stopped to think if you have taken the right path, if you have liked the work you have done so far, or if there is simply something you are very enthusiastic about and have never dared to do.

This can be a great time to reinvent yourself, give a twist to the direction you’ve taken and decide whether you want to go that way or change some aspects of your life.

At this point, it is a good idea to make a plan for the future and grow up with it. Think about the skills and experiences you have and what you can translate into your new job.

Above all, you should not be afraid of making mistakes, you always learn from your mistakes.

8. Get a little more training

The updating of knowledge is very important to find a job and more at this time. Spending more time at home is a perfect opportunity to spend time on training.

Learning will enrich you both professionally and personally. Don’t forget!

Training is not only the acquisition of new knowledge, it is a great time to work on preparing for a job interview.

There are plenty of tips on the Internet to help you succeed in a selection process. It’s time to collect them and try them out.

9. Update (and upgrade) your CV

How To Find A Job During The COVID-19 Pandemic

A good CV makes the difference between other candidates. Take advantage and give it a “face lift”.

You must take care of every detail that appears on it, the idea is to capture the attention of the person who is going to read it from the beginning.

Not only the content is important, but also the presentation. An original and eye-catching CV can be the key to being chosen as a candidate.

Mention only the data you consider most outstanding in an orderly manner, it should not be too long.

Focus it on the environment you want to address. It is important to have more than one CV prepared according to the sector, company or job you want to apply for.

Giving your CV a fresh look will make it more appealing to many companies. Therefore more likely to be noticed.

Do you have a portfolio? In many job offers this is one of the main requirements. Take advantage and create your own. If you already have it, it’s time to get down to business and update it.

Your social networks are also important in these cases, especially those dedicated to the world of work such as LinkedIn. It’s time to update them.

Think about how you want to be seen and determine if your social media is showing what you are made of.

Even if the situation is complicated, you have to think positively. This is a temporary situation that will end soon.

Constancy and patience are your best allies at this time. In the meantime, you can keep up to date with new offers and boost your talent.

Keep up to date!