The End Of The Millennial Reign: The “Like” Generation Is Here

Also called centennials or Generation Z, they are young people who were born in 1996. Have always lived with the Internet, are self-sufficient and need the approval of their actions. The End Of The Millennial Reign: The “Like” Generation Is Here.

It is a generation that lives outside, but without moving from home. Approval is important to them. They are visual, self-sufficient, accustomed to being listened to and to having their opinion count.

The End Of The Millennial Reign: The “Like” Generation Is Here
Generation Z.

They believe in digital communities, in crowdfunding, they don’t impose limits when it comes to setting goals, they work in networks, they play video games live and live with people they don’t know from other countries.

Get in a very bad mood if they don’t find the cell phone charger, as if part of their body wouldn’t work if their phone ran out of battery. Good connectivity is everything.

And now they are starting to make foot in the work environment to continue revolutionizing companies, which still feel the shock of the change brought by millennials and which are beginning to digest, accept and also value.

On the verge of entering the labor market, the challenge for companies lies mainly in communication. Technology cannot fail if they hope to make the most of a generation that did not live without cell phones, and for which immediacy also counts for Human Resources actions.

A performance evaluation? Not dreaming. They want permanent feedback, brief, to the point, without turns. A climate survey? No. Very long, very heavy. I’ll give you my vision now.

Not underestimating them is the watchword. If the company has sweets or apples or drinks at hand for everyone at any time, if it has a flexible Friday, or a little more vacation, perfect. If the clothes you can wear come out of the structure, great.

The Three Fundamental Conditions

The End Of The Millennial Reign: The “Like” Generation Is Here
Girl holding a phone.

They don’t lose sight of three fundamental conditions when it comes to deciding whether or not to deposit their talent in the company.


According to, centennials look first (and surprisingly) for a good health plan. From a young age, they may have seen their parents busy and worried about this issue, so they don’t underestimate it, and, on the contrary, they want to be well covered even though their health is in the prime of their lives.


Secondly, they want a competitive salary. They don’t think of themselves as “cheap labor,” or the less expensive replacement of older frames.

The salary is put on the bargaining table and they are willing to make their time count.


Thirdly, always according to the survey, they are looking for a boss to respect. It is another way of leading, close, without the idea that being the boss you should know more than the other. Quite the opposite.

New leaders have to know how to bring out the best in people, give them confidence, stimulate them, believe in them and that they believe in themselves.

Closeness is a value. Knowing each member of the company is the new challenge of Human Resources, so that the opportunities to innovate are not wasted. “Innovation comes from meeting people in the corridors,” said Steve Jobs, a great piece of advice for understanding the next generation.

In addition, the idea of working for a purpose becomes more important.

Seventy-five percent of near-adolescent young people want to leave their mark on this world through work that goes beyond the fact that it allows them to pay for their expenses or that the company generates dividends.

It’s a good time then to review what the company’s purpose is and, well established, how it will communicate.

Digital Natives

The End Of The Millennial Reign: The “Like” Generation Is Here
Boy holding a Smartphone.

“The millennials are the digital natives, but the technological generation torch is Generation Z, where technology is considered its sixth sense.

This is the generation that has not known a society without the existence of the Internet, grew up with social media and is, today, the generation best prepared to face the technological changes that society is going through in this Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Companies should consider the incorporation of new social and digital technologies in the workplace to attract this new generation.

According to different studies carried out by consulting firms, this generation’s commitment to the work is similar to that of Generation X and the baby boomers. 29% of the Z’s intend to stay in the same company for 3 to 4 years. While 25% of the millennials express this intention.

45% of the youngest indicate that they will remain in the same industry during their professional life. However, Generation Z’s loyalty will be based on five main pillars: career advancement, motivation, balance between work and social life, and economic reward.


The End Of The Millennial Reign: The “Like” Generation Is Here

They are even more aware of the importance of taking care of the planet and its people. They know that there is social injustice in the world. That’s why they ask more of the company than previous generations.

It is true that these are people who have a very visual culture. When we talk to them, the impact of the image is more important than the word.

This is because it could also be called the YouTube generation. They were practically born with this site where you can share videos, and that made its disruptive entry into society in 2005.

They live and want a high-tech context, which they perceive as a tool that gives freedom and stimulates productivity and They see the lack of it as a deterioration in their quality of life.

Finally, it is a group that values uniqueness. Human Resource management failed in terms of diversity. The Z’s, on the other hand, are going to achieve real inclusion.

In addition, the products for them, will be increasingly personalized, tailored. But, for this you have to understand who is who in this universe.

In a couple of years, the elders of this generation, will probably be in charge of teams. But, they can be their own, because half of the Z’s have entrepreneurial spirit. They would like to have their own business.

It will be in the companies, then, to know how to understand the. And tempt them so this spirit, so valuable at the time of innovating, helps to grow the already established brands.