How To Clean Dog Pee From A Carpet

Yes, accidents happen. Do not panic. At How To Find we did some research to see which is the best natural method to remove stains from the carpet. How To Clean Dog Pee From A Carpet?

How To Clean Dog Pee From A Carpet
Dog Lying On A Carpet.

Follow these steps and in a short time your carpet will be free of smells and stains.

1. Act quickly

The longer the pee is on your carpet, the more the smell is absorbed.

The problem with the smell is not only that your house smells like pee, but your dog assumes that that’s the right place to go to the bathroom and, clearly, that’s the last thing we want to happen.

2. Dry the Pee

Using paper or newspaper napkins, try to absorb as much of the pee as possible.

You can use a heavy object (if you use a book put it in a plastic bag) to absorb more.

When you remove them, take this to the place where you want your dog to know to pee.

Leave it there for a while so your dog understands that his bathroom is not your living room.

3. White Vinegar and Water

How To Clean Dog Pee From A Carpet
Dog Lying On A Carpet.

Vinegar is a wonder to clean things up, it’s cheap, it’s natural and it’s not toxic. In a container mix vinegar and water in the same proportion.

Pour this mixture into the carpet and brush it with a brush or your fingers to make sure it reaches down to the bottom.

The vinegar will help neutralize the ammonia in your dog’s pee.

Dry this using the same napkins and if you have a liquid-absorbing vacuum, use it to remove any remaining moisture.

4. Baking Soda

When the area is almost dry, pour a handful of baking soda.

5. Liquid Dish Detergent and Hydrogen Peroxide

Mix half a cup of hydrogen peroxide (no more than 3.5% concentration) with a teaspoon of liquid dish detergent (e.g., Palmolive, Dawn, Axion).

Pour this mixture over the baking soda and wait for it to dry completely. You can use a fan, dryer, or heater to make it faster.

6. Vacuum

How To Clean Dog Pee From A Carpet
Dog Lying On A Carpet.

Once completely dry, vacuum the remaining baking soda.

You can use a small brush to remove what’s left between the carpet.

Done, your carpet is free of stains and odors 🙂

Remember that if your dog has just arrived home, it is very common for these accidents to happen.

Be patient, he doesn’t know well yet and if you teach him correctly, this is probably the only time you will use this recipe.

Tell us if it worked for you or if you have any other remedy to share with everyone we have dog through Twitter or Facebook.

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