The Newborn’s First Month of Life: Everything You Need to Know

From the moment of your baby’s arrival in the world and during the first month of his life, you will notice that he will spend a lot of time asleep. Will wake up several times to eat. Will have hiccups and will sneeze very often. We review these and other features of this stage of your baby’s growth. The Newborn’s First Month of Life: Everything You Need to Know.

The Newborn's First Month of Life Everything You Need to Know
Adorable Baby.

How to feed him, when to bathe him, how to take care of his umbilical cord and how to sanitize him… The questions raising at the time of such a small baby can reach a hundred, and even more if it is a new mother.

But don’t despair: there are many actions that can alarm us but are actually very common at this stage of our child’s life. The important thing is to keep an eye on him, give him the necessary care and, if necessary, consult a specialist to control any abnormality that may arise.

Characteristics of The Newborn’s First Month of Life

During the first 30 days of life, the baby will have the following behaviors:

  1. He or she will sleep 14 to 16 hours a day. He or she will wake up for short periods of time, 7 to 12 times a day, usually to feed.
  2. At first, she or he will not be able to see. As time goes by, she or he will focus her gaze little by little.
  3. He or she may lose weight, even if you breastfeed every time he or she asks. This is normal for newborns.
  4. She or he will have hiccups and sneeze often, this do not represent digestive or respiratory problems.
  5. He or she can defecate 4 or 5 times a day and urinate 2 or 3 times. Stools at this age are yellow or greenish and liquid.
  6. He or she breathing may become noisy and irregular, especially while he or she sleeps. It is not uncommon at all.

Changes in the Baby During the First Month of Life

Father with his Baby.

As it is the dawn of your life, you will notice that your baby’s functions will be “activated” little by little.

With time you will be able to distinguish familiar faces and even smile at the appearance of one of them. In addition, colors, lights and sounds will attract his or her attention.

As far as the affective aspect is concerned, it is essential that the baby feels protected and loved.

Contrary to what many beliefs indicate, there is absolutely nothing wrong with holding your baby in your arms.

Constant companionship and subjection will calm him down and give him security.

The construction of the bond in the first month of life of the baby is fundamental.

The newborn even comes to recognize his mother through the smell. He also instinctively appeals to crying in order to attract their attention and externalize their needs.

Attention: this bond is not exclusive to the mother. The father can also participate actively in the upbringing of the baby from the beginning of his life. After all, his only limitation is when it comes to breastfeeding.

For the rest, it is very important that you assume a central role in the care of the baby.

Things to Keep in Mind during the Baby’s First Month of Life

The Newborn's First Month of Life Everything You Need to Know
Closeup photo of Sleeping Baby.

We must always bear in mind that such a small baby is an extremely delicate being. It has just come into the world and, like everything else, this involves a process of adaptation.

Beware of microbes that may come from outside. The baby’s room should be lighted, warm and free from any kind of contamination.

It is also important that you try to limit visits during this period. If there are, make sure that they do not last more than 20 minutes and that they are not invasive for the baby, because when they are small babies are easily frightened.

When it comes to hygiene, there are three fundamental things you should know:

  • It’s a good idea to bathe your baby daily, with warm water, in a warm room and with extreme care not to put water in his eyes and ears.
  • The umbilical cord falls between day 6 and day 15 of life. The daily hygiene of the bathroom is enough to keep it sanitized, although some doctors recommend using alcohol.
  • His or her nails will begin to grow and the baby could hurt himself with them. Cut them off when necessary.
Sleeping Newborn.

“We must always keep in mind that such a small baby is an extremely delicate being.”

With regard to feeding during the baby’s first life, there is nothing like breast milk for nutrition.

Unless there is some impossibility, it is recommended that this be the exclusive way of feeding until the first six months of life.

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