How to find the area of a rectangle

How to find the area of a rectangle

The area of a polygon is that the amount of square units within the polygon. To know the difference between area and perimeter, consider perimeter as the period of fence required to enclose the lawn, whereas place is the space within the lawn. Perimeter is 1-dimensional and can be measured in linear units such as inches, feet or yards. Place is 2-dimensional: it’s a length and a width. Area is measured in square units like square inches, square feet or square yards. Now, how to find the area of a rectangle?

The rectangle is a quadrilateral, so it’s four sides. Its other sides are equal in length, hence the sides and its length are equivalent, and the sides and its width are equivalent also. If a side of the rectangle is 20, as an instance, then the other hand’s length are also 20.

How to find the area of a rectangle

To find the area of a rectangle, multiply the length by the width. The formula is:

A = L * W where A is the area, L is the length, W is the width, and * means multiply.

Example 1:

Suppose our rectangle has a length of 6 inches and a width of 3 inches. Find the area.

Solution: A = L * W

A = (6 in) · (3 in)

A = 18 in2

In Example 1, we found the area given the dimensions of the rectangle.

Let us look at some instances where we’re given the area of the rectangle, and are requested to work backwards to locate the missing measurement.

Example 2:

The area of a rectangle is 16 square inches. How long is one side?

Solution: A = L · W

16 in2 = L · W

Since 4 · 4 = 16, we get 4 in · 4 in = 16 in2. So A is equal to 4 in.

A = 4 in.

There are different procedures to obtain the area of a rectangle, as an instance, the Pythagorean theorem to solve for another side of this triangle. Let us say you have a rectangle with a side of 4 cm and a diagonal of 8 cm. Use 4 cm to get a single side, then use b to another hand, and then take 8 cm as your hypotenuse. Now only substitute your known numbers in the Pythagorean theorem and resolve. Here is how to take action:

  • Example: 4^2 + b^2 = 8^2
  • 16 + b^2 = 64
  • b^2 = 64 – 16
  • b^2 = 48
  • square root (b) = square root (48)
  • b = 6.93
    • The length of the other side of the triangle, which is also the other side of the rectangle, is 6.93 cm.

For further information you can read:

You can also see how to find the area of other polygons: