How to find a way to delay premature ejaculation naturally

How to find a way to delay premature ejaculation naturally?

  • Pressing the glans. This technique you can try while you masturbate, or if you have confidence withHow to find a way to delay premature ejaculation naturally your partner, better. When you feel the need to ejaculate, press hard under the glans.To do this, join your index and thumb fingers to form the letter “O”, and with your fingers in that position, make as if you strangle the glans in its lower part.This will cause the seminal flow to be cut off, and you can continue without pull out. If you are with your partner, and you have confidence, you can try asking your partner to do it.
  • Self-help method to eliminate anxiety. We do not like this technique very much in the long term. But if you’re just getting started, it can help you. You only have to masturbate 1 or 2 hours before having sex, and it will be enough to endure. You can support yourself by using a thick condom that reduces friction.Why do not we like this technique? Basically because with the passage of time you get used to it, and you lose quality in the erection. There will come a point where you will not be able to “have it hard” if you abuse this practice.
  • Changing position. It is practically a fact that if you put yourself on top, nothing helps, because the friction is much greater. If you put yourself underneath, your partner will tend to move sideways, and not from the outside in, which significantly decreases friction. When you feel that the urge to ejaculate has passed, you can resume changing position without problem.

NEXT: How to find a way to delay premature ejaculation naturally?

