How to Start Journaling

Our mind is always filled with these emotions and thoughts which want to find a way out. How to Start Journaling?

How to Start Journaling

Most people, not being comfortable enough in sharing those sentiments, keep them buried inside.

A journal can be a great way to store in all of these emotions and express oneself.

Keeping in mind that keeping all of these feelings inside is not good for your mental health.

A good way to express yourself without anyone else knowing about it is definitely journaling.

The best part about journaling is that you can write anything anywhere.

You don’t have to worry about how it looks or what you wrote previously.

Here is a guide to help you start your own journal and have a permanent habit of journaling every day.

Step 1: Know the Purpose of your Journal

It is important to know why you want to start journaling. The purpose of a journal can be anything – you might want to start journaling to express your experiences and emotions or just to plan out your days.

It can be of great help to those who have a hard time planning out their week. Some people even do it as a hobby, just to make use of their notebooks.

When you know what you want your journal to be about, you can actually pay attention to it properly.

Ensure that you are as crafty as possible. This would help you to unleash that inner artist in you.

Step 2: Keep Experimenting

How to Start Journaling

When you start journaling, you don’t really know what to expect out of it.

At the end of the week, you might realize that you don’t use one journal, but the other one is a life saver for you.

So it is crucial to keep experimenting with topics you journal about. These can range from your day to day activities or even things that you want to buy at the end of the day.

Journals are essentially there to help you out. You can keep one to keep a track of your monthly bills or just paste pictures of things you generally see around.

This would help you to store memories of special days.

Step 3: Make Time For It

Every day, you might be spending at least an hour on social media and TV.

So, instead, start spending your time on writing something in your journal.

This can help you become more productive and you might end up loving this part of your day.

Simply grab a pen and start writing. You can even doodle or draw in your journal.

If you’re someone who loves to stay organized, you can start by parting your journal in different sections dedicated to different tasks.

Step 4: Types of Journals

How to Start Journaling

If you don’t know where to begin, You can consider the following options. Each of these journals has its own specific purpose.

Find one which perfectly suits your requirements. Here is a list of journals that are easy to start and keep up with:

  • A Diary.
  • Travel Journal.
  • Bullet Journal.
  • Art Journal.
  • Self-discovery Journal.
  • Fitness Journal
  • Favorite Quotes and Thoughts.
  • Journal for brain dumping.

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