How to find good headphones

How to find good headphonesWith microphone, headphones, hands-free, thin and thick cables with sliding surface, colored, wireless, cheap and exaggeratedly expensive.

The truth is that there are types of headphones for all tastes in any price range. However which one is the best? And although as always the answer is hidden behind a large “depends” we will create in this article a guide for the next time you walk through the electronic accessories section of any mall. How to find good headphones?

Before you become the fastest wallet in the west when it comes to buying technology, you should pause and ask yourself: What am I going to use them for? At the time of buying a headset we have two options, to heed the recommendation of a friend or know a little about the types, technical specifications and some details that we must consider.

As you all know there are different types of headphones. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages and are indicated for a different user. Let’s do a quick review.

How to find good headphones?

  • The first are the Earphones. Button type that are placed inside our ears, have a very small size and usually include portable devices such as Mp3 players, mobile phones, etc … They are ideal for those looking for something discreet, light and comfortable (although that is more relative for each user)
  • Then there are the in-Ear, they are similar to the Earphones but with the particularity of having a design that allows to enter the ear canal auditory. The main advantage is that they isolate the exterior sound. The drawback is that, although they come with different silicone pads (small, medium and large), they do not adapt equally well to all ears.
  • We also have the supraaurals, they have a headband to hold them and they are over the ear. They are comfortable and offer a good relationship between comfort and sound quality.
  • Finally there are circumaural, are the headphones that give better results. Comfortable to use for a long time, to have a larger size can use larger speakers and isolate the outside sound very well. Ideal to enjoy the best sound at home.

Technical specifications

  • Most headphones offer almost the entire audible spectrum. Said spectrum determines according to the range the sounds that we will be able to hear. Sounds that form what we then call bass, medium and highs. The audible spectrum is measured in Hertz.Bass, emit between 10 Hz and 256 Hz
    Medium, between 256 Hz and 2000 Hz
    Highs, between 2000 Hz and 20000 Hz (20kHz)

    Therefore, the broader the better. In any case, hearing according to age changes. Then it is not the same an ear of someone young and healthy than that of an older person.

  • Another of the specifications is the impedance. This value indicates the resistance that the headset offers to the sound that the player sends. It is measured in Ohm and the smaller the volume, the greater the volume. This data is important since it is related to the impedance of the sound source itself. That is, the impedance of the headset must never be higher than that of the equipment or we will not hear anything.
  • Finally there is the sensitivity, it is measured in decibels (dB). It measures the maximum volume that the headset can emit. Normally they are limited to 100 dB maximum, even the players have limitations, since more could damage our ears.

Basic tips to choose well

Knowing the technical data that affect the quality there are a number of details that you must also know to choose your next headset well. These are aspects that are not indicated by numbers.

The manufacturing quality. It is important to analyze the finish of the product. From the cables to the material that surrounds the headset. It is not the same a bad quality plastic to another of higher quality and better assembly that will avoid vibrations.

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