How to find area 51 on google maps

U.S. Media revealed that a satellite photograph of Area 51 at 1988. Contemporary satellite vision has given us more clearer views of the secretive military foundation. A CIA document declassified in 2013 was the very first record that admit the existence of Area 51. How to find area 51 on google maps?

Whats is area 51?

How to find area 51 on google mapsArea 51 is among the very Secretive places on the planet. Because of this, the Nevada-based military testing centre was a focus of several conspiracy theorists and “UFOlogists” because the late 1970’s, who assert that the foundation homes secretive alien technologies.

The title is legendary. Is a key foundation run from the US authorities. And it is where they maintain their main secrets–shameful jobs. Jobs like spy planes, and perhaps such as alien spacecraft and perhaps possibly aliens.

For the first time in half a decade, Google Earth/Google Maps imagery of America’s clandestine flight test center known as Area 51 have been updated. In the newest shots, we could observe tiny modifications to the ever-expanding foundation –and also a giant one.

The hangar is 210 feet wide by 250 feet long, is the largest addition to the foundation in the last years. In 2006, another massive hangar was built on the south end of the base’s most important ramp centre, complete with an earthen berm constructed about its south west approaches.

Moreover, centre is home to Northrop Grumman applications, Such as a high-flying entering spy drone broadly called the RQ-180. Uncharaceristically, the USAF has acknowledged to the program’s existence.

How to find area 51 on google maps?

Click here to check it out on Google Maps and the coordinates for Google Earth are 37°13’06.35″ N 115°47’51.00″ W. But, do you feel they are watching you watching them?

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